Healthcare News Zone

World Health Day: Cybersecurity to underpin innovation in healthcare

healthcare Cybersecurity

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the face of public healthcare access across the world. Innovations such as video-based appointments, telehealth and self-service portals continue to gain traction and reduce barriers to access. However, new innovations and devices intended to streamline and personalise patient care often create unintended consequences that expose healthcare organisations to a multitude of new vulnerabilities – making it more important than ever to secure patient data and intellectual property. Kartik Shahani, Country Manager at Tenable India believes that in order to eliminate health inequities through innovation, healthcare organisations need to have the resources to reduce their cyber risk.

“Over the past year, innovations such as self-service web portals and video-based remote appointments have made healthcare more accessible and reduced barriers to care in remote areas. While these services are convenient and can dramatically improve patient satisfaction and loyalty, this level of innovation has also exposed healthcare providers to a wide range of cybersecurity threats.

“This isn’t a surprise as sensitive patient data is a big draw for financially motivated cybercriminals. As organisations continue to eliminate health inequities through innovation, they must remember that quality patient care and lives depend on that data remaining secure and available at all times. So it’s imperative healthcare providers understand the threats against them and have the resources necessary to reduce their cyber risk,” said, Kartik Shahani, Country Manager, Tenable India

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