ChatGPT uses around 0. 0029 kWh per query. With 100 million active weekly users asking an average of 15 questions each week, it ends up consuming about 226. 82 million kWh annually. At the average U. S. commercial electricity rate as of June 2024, that adds up to a whopping $ 29. 71 million in energy costs. On a daily basis, this translates to more than 214 million daily requests, consuming over half a million kilowatt- hours of energy. This figure is more than 21, 602 times the daily power usage of an average U. S. household, which consumes around 29 kWh per day. For further context, the energy ChatGPT consumes in a year could fully charge about 3. 13 million electric vehicles, each with an average battery capacity of 72. 4 kWh. That is almost 95% of all electric cars on U. S. roads at the end of 2023. The annual energy ChatGPT uses to generate response could also power 21, 602 U. S. homes for a year, based on the average yearly household consumption of 10, 500 kWh. It’ s also equivalent to streaming video for 137, 728 hours ( using the European average of 188 Wh per hour of streaming in 2020) or charging 47. 87 million smartphones every day for a full year ( with a battery capacity of 12. 98 Wh). In fact, ChatGPT’ s energy use for processing requests surpasses the total electricity consumption of 12 small countries and territories, including Gibraltar, Grenada, Dominica, Samoa, and the British Virgin Islands. It could even power the entirety of Finland or Belgium for a full day.
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